One of them is the PE methods course.
I had heard this class was easy, but annoying and was advised to get it out of the way. I chose to take this methods course as soon as possible for that reason.
What I wasn't completely aware of was the fact that we would be doing the fitness test that kids do in school and we would do it twice.
Now, I understand that and it makes sense to do it, but honestly, I was dreading it.
The first fitness test was last night and we had to do a 1 mile timed run, 1 minute of push-ups (on knees or full) and 1 minute of situps.
I went into this taking it very seriously and planning to let this kick my butt. I know some of you think this sounds super easy, and it probably is, but continuous running without stopping has never been something I have been good at. (Not that we couldn't stop, I didn't want to be last one done and I wanted to put forth an effort).
We started the class with the situps and pushups, which were easy. Then we moved to the track above the basketball court in the Knapp Center (umm, it's so hot up there! They need fans, asap) and we had to run around the track 7 1/2 times for a mile. I was immediately bummed because I was expecting to, A. run outside and, B. the track to be full sized, where a mile was 4 times around it.
Here is the breakdown of how I did:
Situps: 42
Pushups: 30 (from knees)
1 mile run: 13:07
My situps and pushups were above average to good for my age.
The mile run was too high.
Of course the average is dependent on a person's physical ability but, in my opinion, running a 10 minute mile should be the norm for everyone. My goal for the 12 weeks of this semester is to get my mile down to 10 minutes.
We also did an EKG body composition test where we recorded the percentage of fat in our body. I am not going to reveal this, but I will reveal that I drove home crying.
Literally, crying.
Now, before you lecture me I will tell you that I am fine now. I gave myself last night to mope about it and now it's time to do something about it. I refuse to cry about it anymore because that will get me nowhere fast. I am going to take this class seriously and work on my numbers. That is the only thing I can do.
Each student in the class had to also set a goal for themselves. Mine is simply to reduce the percentage of body fat. Simple, yet specific and realistic. I don't expect drastic changes as that is not realistic or healthy, but I do expect a 1-2% reduction.
To do so I have to:
STOP making excuses and STOP the negative self talk (such as "I can't do this").
REDUCE the last minute homework/studying and reduce the amount of time spent on the couch watching tv.
INCREASE motivation by working out with a buddy and regularly reviewing the stats from yesterday to keep me going.
START scheduling and planning my workouts at the beginning of each week and hold myself accountable to that schedule like I do with work or classes.
The only word I can think of to describe last night is mortifying, but I am glad that I chose to do this class early and I am glad that I am taking it seriously (several students are not).
It is important to me to be a good role model to my students and my children someday and to do so, I have to be physically fit. Period.
I truly believe that kids will do what you model for them, whether you are aware of it or not. It's not a game or funny and it should be taken very seriously. Little eyes are on you are at all times and I am determined to be a good example for them.
What would you say the average time to run a mile is? Have you ever had a stark realization like this that you were out of shape? What did you do?

I think this is awesome! I am not a runner at all, but I tried to be one and a 12-minute mile is still a struggle for me. I think you can definitely do a 10-minute mile if you work at it. :)
I know all about the body fat-crying home deal. I'm doing a boot camp right now and my instructor took my measurements at the beginning. After each one, she gave me the number in this really soft voice, like, "Is this surprising you have so much fat on your thighs?" Like... thanks. Now I feel even worse! ;)
You got this, though! Just keep your head up and stay motivated.
I guess if you're running JUST a mile than a 10-minute goal is good to shoot for. But I know of a lot of people who average closer to the 12-13 minute miles and have ran marathons at that speed! So don't feel bad. I actually think that's a really good speed for your mile considering you haven't really done any running lately!
I had the realization back in 2008. I looked at pictures of myself from Christmas and could not believe how chubby I looked. I started counting calories that January and dropped 30 pounds (I've since gained back 10). Sometimes I think a stark realization is a good thing :-)
You WILL improve in the next 12 weeks! I'm cheering for you over here!
You csn do it!! Negative self talk gets the best of us. I started a positive quote journal a while back (Just a list of quotes from famous people, family, friends)...and whenever I having one of those days I refer to my quotes...
I actually dont think your mile time is bad. That is great for a non runner. And you read the blogs of some runners so your perception of how fast yoi should run is prob a bit skewed. I had to work to get to a 10 min mile. Granted when you are running 1 v multiple miles it's a little different. But still. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know alot of fit people who run 11-12 min miles!
I think we all need wake up calls. I certainly had one of mu own back in '07 when looking at pictures. If yoi set your mind to it, you can do it! I lost 40 pounds and have kept the weigh off and i feel like it is do able. It tough focus and hard work but I don't feel like it was all tha hard looking back! Joining ww and tracking were the keys to my success!! You can do it!
I actually dont think your mile time is bad. That is great for a non runner. And you read the blogs of some runners so your perception of how fast yoi should run is prob a bit skewed. I had to work to get to a 10 min mile. Granted when you are running 1 v multiple miles it's a little different. But still. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know alot of fit people who run 11-12 min miles!
I think we all need wake up calls. I certainly had one of mu own back in '07 when looking at pictures. If yoi set your mind to it, you can do it! I lost 40 pounds and have kept the weigh off and i feel like it is do able. It tough focus and hard work but I don't feel like it was all tha hard looking back! Joining ww and tracking were the keys to my success!! You can do it!
I agree your mile time is not bad. I've been trying to run on a regular basis for over a year now and I average about a 11-12 min. mile. It is a struggle for me to get in under 10 min. and I still have yet to do a sub 9 min. mile.
I like your goals! I think they are totally do-able- realistic but still a challenge. You are going to kick butt on the mile 12 weeks from now!
I'm not a runner so I don't know anything about times but major kudos to you for setting goals and being determined to stick with it. I think thats great and am totally rooting for you.
I don't work out at all right now, but definitely know I should be doing something. I played soccer all throughout college, so it's a little ridiculous that I do absolutely nothing athletics now. I've been saying for a few years now that I want to pick up Jillian Micahel's 30 day shred and try it out. I've heard great things about it (and that it's only 20 minutes long), but still have never done it
I needed this post. I need to start working out and stop making excuses.
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