Day 7-Favorite movies
Yep, I'm officially a day behind. I came home sick from work Friday afternoon and slept straight through the night all the way until Saturday morning. Actually, it was almost Saturday afternoon! I had to work at 1pm so I didn't get up until 11:30. That was.... ok, doing math.... over 20 hours of sleep! I don't know if I have ever done that! I feel a little better though, although I came home from work last night and went straight to bed and I am still in bed now. (My books are are surrounding me, taunting me, saying, you need to study! Study! Study!)
So, that is why I am a day behind. My body started rebelling on me.
One good thing happened this week though! I got an A on a test that I for sure thought I was going to get a C on. I was so shocked when there was a big red A on the top (my prof has an elementary background, she even uses bells to get our attention). So, now I have A's in both my classes, although, they're below 95%, so their not too secure! =/. That is the pessimist in me talking, I'm going to work hard to keep those As!!
Ok, on to the challenge! My favorite movies!
I looooove movies. I went through a phase where I bought a new dvd every week, but I don't do that anymore. Actually, I haven't had much time to watch movies lately. I really want to go see Conviction while it's in the theaters, I just love Hillary Swank! She's fantastic! Has anyone seen it yet?
Some of my favorite movies are:
Almost Famous
The Family Stone
Because I Said So
You've Got Mail
Any Harry Potter movie
We Are Marshall
P.S. I Love You
A Lot Like Love
Almost Famous is probably my all time favorite! Plus, do you notice a slight theme here? Sports movies and Christmas movies. I'm not a big sports fan but I just love sports movies, they are so inspiring! Plus, Christmas movies are the best. Christmas is my favorite holiday and movies based around Christmas really put me in the spirit!
What are some of your favorite movies?

i hope you are feeling better! :)gina
I love Christmas movies too as they put me totally in the christmas mood.
My favourite films are Clueless, Anchorman, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Reality Bites and A Time to Kill. Oh, and I love disaster movies as well. I'm not sure why.
I love sports movies! It's just hard not to get inspired watching them
Legally Blond, Riding around in Cars with Boys, High Fidelity, Donnie Darko, Along Came Polly, Fever Pitch, 50 First Dates, Devil Wears Prada, Napolean Dynamite, and Elf (from your list) ! :)
If you like sports movies you should watch Remember the Titans. Denzel is in it and he is just dreamy! :)
Feel better! Some of my favorites are The Holiday, Bridget Jones Diary, Love Actually, Juno, Elizabethtown, Garden State.. okay, I need to stop now because I could easily keep going! :)
I love that you love the movie We Are Marshall. That's my hometown and college I attended.
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