I really need to sub at least three days a week to keep my budget on track for the summer, but I only have two more weeks left in my practicum so I am wondering if I should just stick it out. Decisions, decisions... Finals are the second week of May and after that I should have two full weeks to sub and make some money. Fingers crossed I am able to do that!
The semester is winding down and traditionally the last month of classes is a whirlwind of papers due, projects due and presentations. I am trying to alleviate some of the stress that I know is headed my way, but I am also a natural procrastinator, so it's a battle against nature. ;)
Well, today I am linking up with Jamie for her lovely weekly meme, What I'm loving Wednesday!

So, this week...
I am loving... The Kennedy's.

The History channel produced this mini series, but decided at the last minute to drop it because it was too controversial. Katie Holmes said on Ellen the other day that she has no idea why they dropped it and that there was nothing controversial in it... I have to disagree. Clearly, she has to support the movie she made, but so far in just the first two episodes Jack's infidelity is playing a major role. I'm honestly glad it is because it's shining light on his negative traits, while he was a GREAT president and did many wonderful things in office, he was also still very flawed. Obviously, you would not teach any age in the classroom that John F. Kennedy and his father repeatedly cheated on their devoted wives but it is important to know because it is an important characteristic of their personality. What this mini-series is doing for me is only reinforcing the sacrifice that Jackie made for our country. Ignorance is bliss and she let the American people continue to be ignorant during this time. She knew that to stand up for herself would only hurt the country, so I don't see it as her not standing up for herself, she was protecting an entire country.
I am loving... Substitute teaching!

What I didn't realize was how much time I was going to get to study on my own work. Each day I sub I get a good 3-4 hours to read or write papers. This is so nice! Those 3-4 hours are not at all consecutively and I have to look up probably every minute or two to avoid people goofing off, but so far it has helped so much to get my reading done for class. One class I was even able to write notes on two chapters, which I don't normally do, and it helped out a TON because we had a quiz over their chapters last night. :)
I am loving...
I am loving... this pretty dress!

But, also? I love that this model is not sickeningly thin. It is so nice to see a model in something that I am interested in, and she is not so thin I want to puke.
That is what I am loving this week, what are you loving?

I use myfitnesspal too! Love it!
I am dvring the Kennedy's so I haven't watched any of them yet. I also find all of it very interesting.
I love the yellow dress! Perfect for Easter !
Oooh The Kennedy's sounds like a good show, or mini-series, I had never heard of it before.
That dress is to die-for cute! I'm so glad spring is here and it's the season of pretty dresses again :)
I'll have to check out this show. I have a couple of those fitness apps and they have really helped. I do rely a lot on the WW app.
I hope you get more subbing gigs! not fun to stress about a budget!
That yellow dress is adorable. I love Shabby Apple! I bought 2 dresses from their website last fall and loved them both!
I am happy about the warmer temps we've had lately! My patio door is open right now for the first time since like October!
Thanks for playing along!
I don't know why but I loved subbing too :)
Oh I'm jealous!! I really wanted to see the Kennedy mini series but I don't have that channel and couldn't get it in time before it began! I hope they put it out on dvd!
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