Today was my first day subbing in a high school.
I thought my horoscope for today was very fitting - it went something along the lines of, "you'll be swimming with sharks today, but as long as you're nice you'll be safe." Something like that. So, I smiled a lot today. ;)
It went fine. It was actually hardly any different from middle school. The only thing that was glaringly obvious was all the cuss words I heard. In middle school I would immediately tell them not to use that language, but for some reason in high school I feel like they're too old to be scolded for that. Pick your battles, right?
Today I am participating in What I'm loving Wednesday hosted by the lovely Jamie!

I am loving these awesome camis that I found at Kohl's. They are by Daisy Fuentes and has a very Spanx-esque band around the middle that is supposed to give a more slimming look. They were a little pricey originally for a cami at $24.99 but they were on sale for $15.99 and I had a $10 off coupon so I thought I'd give them a try. I love them! They do exactly what I look for in a cami! I hate my middle area.

I am also loving my sister's Chi. Yes, her Chi. A hair straightener. I know I'm late to join this party, but I just couldn't justify spending so much money on a hair tool. I have had the same Hot Tools straightener for over four years now and it has been great, but it's beginning to die. I haven't had time to shop for a new one, so I "borrowed" my sister's Chi. It's been in my bathroom for four days now and I think I'm in love.

I am loving mango Chobani these days. It's sooooo good. If you haven't hopped on the Chobani train yet, you totally should. It's awesome.

This amazing coffee from Wolfgang Puck. It's. so. yummy. Most coffee I have to doctor up with lots of fake sugar and milk but for this kind I just needed three packets of Splenda and I was good. So glad I bought this. This is the description from the box:
A divine coffee infused with a lush blend of hazelnut and rich coconut flavors.
Hazelnut was a quick sell for me, but the coconut clinched the deal. :)

I am giggling to myself because I was just re-reading this (after posting!) and noticed I pictured PINEAPPLE Chobani, but am talking about mango. Pineapple is my 2nd fave. Where is my brain today? I need a nap.... Zzzzzzz.....

I tried the pineapple Chobani today & it's so good.
Also trying new veggies. I made roasted cauliflower for the first time last night and not only was it a simple recipe, it was SO good.
Found your blog thru WILW! I have a CHI and it is THE BEST THING EVER! Love your blog. Happy Wednesday!
I eat that same yogurt every morning!
Love this post!
Great things you are loving today!
I don't know what I did before the Chi era. I really don't.
I am loving my Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets, no lies. Ever since I got glasses my face has been more oily than normal. These sheets work amazing! Love love love.
I wish I had an excuse to use a hair straightener. Silly Asian-straight hair of mine!
Thanks for playing along!
I had a Chi and loved it! Then it died on me :( so I got a Paul Mitchell straightener which is just as great!
I'm glad that your day in the high school went well. I always enjoy reading what other people are loving. I will have to try that coffee. Lately I'm loving red lipstick.
Oo, chi straighteners are the best. And they last SO LONG. Great investment!
I am loving jalepeno baby pickles. Hadn't bought them for ages but bought them this week when they were on sale. Love, love, love.
love everything about this! i would die to get a chi straightener and those tank tops look great- i need to get a few more and LOVe kohls! great post girl!
Greek yogurt is amazing! I love it!
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