I couldn't let the entire weekend go by without posting something so I decided to write about the books of 2012 that I'm most looking forward to reading. This next year I will be severely cutting myself off from buying too many books, so I will have to plan accordingly which books I want to buy each month. I still haven't decided if I'm going to give myself a dollar limit or a number of books limit for my book budget. Probably a dollar limit, since I can obviously do a lot of harm with just a couple of books (read: hardcovers are expensive!).
Anyway. On with the subject of this post! Here are the top 10 books I am most looking forward to in the next year! Not posted in any particular order...
After reading Save Me by Lisa Scottoline earlier this year, I've been looking forward to reading something else by her! Her writing reminds me quite a bit of Jodi Picoult's and you all know how much I adore her! Come Home will be released on April 10, 2012

I've Got Your Number will be released on February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day!
Jane Green is another favorite author of mine! There really isn't a book of hers that I didn't like! Some I like better than others, obviously, but all of them are great! These are also perfect beach reads. Another Piece of My Heart comes out on March 13, 2013.
Another one to "Ahhhhhh!" at! Jodi Picoult is one of my absolute favorite authors and one that I have driven over three hours to see for three years in a row. It's become a tradition for me to drive up to Minneapolis, meet up with Lesli or Lisa and go to Jodi's readings. Jodi's got the BEST personality and has some of the best signings I have ever been to!
Obviously the cover for this one hasn't been released yet, but I will update this post when it is released!
Lone Wolf comes out February 28, 2012

Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams? Sign me up, please! I really hope this movie doesn't disappoint. Since I am a nerd and have to read the book before seeing the movie, I have the book on my list. The book version of The Vow comes out February 10, 2012 which looks like the same day the movie comes out. That is really weird and I don't like it at all! Hopefully I can read it before going to see the movie.
This is the sequel to Delirium, which I read at the beginning of 2011 and I loved it! Delirium held the perfect amount of action for me in a dystopian YA novel, and the cliffhanger at the end was painfully perfect! It's one of the only books that I have had on my mind all year long, and I don't think I need to re-read any part of it to enjoy Pandemonium! This book comes out on February 28, 2012.
I wasn't a HUGE fan of Divergent, but I did really like it. I think if there wasn't a ton of hype about it, I would have liked it more. It is a book I recommend though quite frequently, especially to students. I book talked this one in my children's lit class and I can think of two students that read it specifically because my book talk (shocker: I can sell a book! Ha!).
I am really looking forward to Insurgent though, and hate that I have to wait until May 5th to read it. This is the only book that I went ahead and emailed the publisher to request an ARC. I got turned down though, they said I needed at least 350 followers to be considered. Good to know!
(FYI, I do not blog specifically for ARCs, but... I do enjoy them. A lot actually)
If you haven't read Divergent yet, and you liked The Hunger Games, you should check it out!

The Soul by Stephenie Meyer is the sequel to The Host, which is a sci fi book that she released right after the Twilight saga wrapped up. I have had The Host on my bookshelf for an embarrassing amount of time and I hope I can read it in 2012. After reading some YA sci fi books, I might be getting into this genre of books that I pretty much disregarded before...
This book doesn't even have a release date yet, so I have no idea if it even comes out next year. That cover is also not the official cover. I have no idea where it came from - probably a fan, because it doesn't look very professional. It's still gorgeous though! Even if that girl looks like Megan Fox, whom I cannot stand.
There you have it! What are you looking forward to reading in 2012?
I never really seem to have a finger on the pulse of what is coming out in 2012, so I actually don't have any books I am looking forward to reading! And with my no-book-buying pact, it's probably for the best1 ;)
But I am super excited for the release of Ingrid Michaelson's next album in late January! ;)
Thanks so much for the updates! I have been wondering when Emily Giffin will release a new one!! Any news on Lauren Weisberger? I just love hers too.
Thanks for posting this! I love Jane Green, Sophie Kinsella, Emily Griffin, and Jodi Piccolt too so I added all of those to my paperbackswap.com wish list! I have had Delierium on my bookshelf for a while now waiting to be read. I might start it after I finish The Host! And OMG can not freaking wait for The Vow! I love Channing and Rachael!
The book cover for Jodi Picoult's new book is out here is a link
I have never been to a book signing but I would love to go to hers!! I think it would be so neat
Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin are too of my favorite authors!! I love to read. But I don't like paying full price for books. Currently I'm in an area without any used book stores or Half Price Book stores. So, I fully rely on booksfreeswap.com It's a great place to swap books with people for media mail shipping rates. You can read more about the site in my blog post http://taylornorris.blogspot.com/2011/10/notrees-tx-and-booksfreeswapcom.html (ps...they have no idea who I am, I just really love their site!)
I'd like to suggest you beg all your relatives to pool their money and buy you a version of Kindle. I have a Gen. 2, ordinary, but it has saved me a huge bundle on books! My other trick is to buy the used ones. It's amazing how fast the hits and best sellers show up used, in great condition, and half price! I live on a budget (the fun of being a RETIRED teacher!), and I'm an avid reader, so that really stretches those book dollars!
There's so many books here I want to read too! Emily Giffin's new book, Sophie Kinsella's, and Pandemonium, but I'm most excited for The Soul, assuming it does actually come out next year. I REALLY loved The Host, and think you HAVE to read it. It really is so much better than the Twilight books, not that I didn't enjoy them. Plus the end of it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I've been waiting to read it almost forever!
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