On Friday afternoon after school got out, I headed to the Scholastic warehouse for the first day of their warehouse sale! Educators were able to get a fast pass for the first day and got to shop, shop, shop, till we dropped! Have you ever been in a warehouse full of books? No? Me either!
I went in there on a budget though. It's Christmas, and I needed to be responsible. I had a coupon for $10 off $50, so $50 was my limit.
I think I did pretty good. Here's my haul, and it only came to $41!

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - I haven't read this classic, so I figured I would pick it up.
First Light by Rebecca Stead - I absolutely loved When You Reach Me (which is so fun because it has so many A Wrinkle In Time references), so I figured I would pick up Stead's first book
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne - this is a historical fiction must read for the middle grades, if you ask me. I cannot wait to use this book (or movie) in a lesson to teach about the Holocaust. (Yes, these are the things I think about - I CAN'T WAIT)
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi - This was a total impulse buy. It looked really good and it was really cheap so I grabbed it!
The Maze Runner by James Dashner - A more recent classic that I haven't read, but have been meaning too. I can't wait to read this one.
The Line by Teri Hall - This book looks awesome (look up the cover!) and was listed as a nominee for the YALSA quick picks for reluctant readers - so that tells me it's definitely an engaging read!
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick - I know most of you have probably heard of the movie by now, but if you haven't at least picked up the book and flipped through it, you are seriously missing out! Hugo is a graphic novel and the drawings inside are simply A-MAZ-ING! I can't wait to read this one, too!
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan - I have avoided the movies because I want to read this book - let's hope I can get to it soon!
Most of these books I have my future classroom in mind, since I hope to teach in the middle grades once I am done. That's my justification for buying all of these books anyway!
What did you get this week?
Would love to go to a warehouse sale! Although I think it would be a little dangerous!
I really enjoyed The Lightning Thief, both the book & movie, although I did see the movie first. I wanted to keep reading the series, but haven't managed to pick up anything past the second.
I've only read the Boy in the Striped PJs!
I am on a book-buying hiatus right now. I have 5 shelves of unread books that I really need to get through, and I have been using the library. I did buy the Twookclub book because it was on sales on cyber Monday, but that's the last book I am buying for myself for a long time (unless someone in my family gets me bn gift certs for christmas or my birthday!)
I got a coupon for this sale in my box at school. I may try to go this week. I have been buying a lot of books for my classroom reading corner at Goodwill.
Some sales are better than others, so you have to go every time. =) I used to teach in Phx, and went to every single sale. I did better at some times than others, depending on how overstocked they were, but I always, always, always found bargains and great deals! You are being smart and planning ahead for your future classroom!
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