I have gotten so much done today and it feels awesome! Don't you just love that feeling? I do!
We started the morning taking Chico and Zeke to the vet for their annuals (Chico is my sisters chihuahua). Zeke needed three shots and Chico needed one. They did so good, we were proud mamas!
The Zekester
Chico, the chihuahua
Then we grabbed some lunch at Red Robin - which I am still so full from! I dropped my sister off at work then I got home and got to work. I have cleaned the apartment from top to bottom. Taken down the Christmas tree and all the decorations. Cleaned all the floors and did the laundry while I was at it (there wasn't much). Then I sat down and paid my growing stack of bills. I had a dentist bill that I kept forgetting about. I needed to renew my tags for my car. I had to pay a ticket that I got in the mail (I ran a red light! There was a video online and there's no denying it. I RAN THE LIGHT. Oops.). I needed to send in my stuff for sub license. I needed to go to the post office to mail a ton of stuff. Lots of busy, seemingly tiny errands that really start to add up!
Now, I'm relaxin' on the couch waiting to pick up my sister from work. We ended up running out of time this morning so instead of heading home so she could get her car I just dropped her off at work.
In other shopping news I made my last big splurge before my "shopping diet" begins. I bought a NOOK last night! I was up until 1 am reading last night and I can already tell I am going to love it! I only searched bn.com for eBooks but I know you can get them other places. Does anyone know where else I can buy them? Thank you all so much for your advice!! It was so helpful and I loved what you guys loved about your Kindle or Nook!
The first book I purchased was The Help and so far I am loving it!
Have you read any good books lately?

Wow, you got a heck of a lot done. now would you like to come to Minneapolis and take down my Christmas tree as well? because that has yet to be done. I keep waiting for it to take itself down. ;) I wish I knew a poor college student. I would pay them to take it down. ;)
I am glad you got a Nook. I went back and read the comments and it was interesting to read what everyone had to say! I had no idea you could lend books b/w kindle users now, too!
I think you can buy ebooks anywhere and then upload them onto your nook. I requested a couple from my library. Sounds like I would have to download them onto my computer and then upload them to my nook by connecting my nook to my computer. I am like #60 on the list for the books I requested so I guess I will wait awhile to figure that out!
Glad you are liking The Help! It's a great book!
I am always SO stuffed after eating at Red Robin...I joke that someone has to roll me to the car ha ha. But as far as the ebooks go, check your local library's website...I know mine has books available for download free as long as you have your card info. Not sure if that's a common thing or not but it may be worth looking into!
Congrats on the Nook. Have you read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? It's the first in a three book series. So good if you like a good criminal thriller.
First of all, I want some PARMESAN FRIES from Red Robin like, NOW.
Secondly, I haven't read ANYTHING since November! (Well, except for baby magazines and "What to Expect..." type books.)
The last thing I read was Sue Miller's THE LAKE SHORE LIMITED (love her!!) I had three books checked out from my local library and they were due back Nov. 24th. Uhhhh.... still have them. Oops. By the time I pay the late fees, I probably could have spent that on a Nook of my own!
Oh! They're such little cuties!
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