Wow, what a great weekend! First off, I apologize for only just now updating my little corner of the internet! Time is moving much too fast these days... guess I'm getting what I wished for. The past two months I have been anxiously anticipating summer and what is to come this fall. All good things! ;)
I meant to get this post up yesterday, but after going to the dentist to see why I had more tooth pain I ended up needing a ROOT CANAL! So, at around noon yesterday I got my first root canal. At first I felt fine and thought it was no big deal... then around 8pm I started to feel it. The paaaaaaaaain. I had taken 2000 millegrams of Vicodin since 2pm, was feeling super loopy, and it wasn't doing anything for the pain in my tooth.
Anyway enough about that! On Friday I made the three hour trip south to Kansas City to meet our former First Lady Laura Bush at a book signing for her new memoir, Spoken from the Heart. I attended the event with one of my close friends and my aunt and we had a great time. I think I fell in love with Laura Bush even more after hearing her speak in person. She is an amazing lady and a wonderful story teller!
They were a little picky about pictures and we had a very small window of time during which cameras were allowed so I did not get as many photos as I would have liked, but I did get a couple.
And now...what you all have been waiting for...We have a winner from my giveaway!!!
Using I let them pick a random entry... and....
Out of the 16 entries for the Laura Bush memoir, number 2 was picked at random which is...
Shannon from It's Trickey!!!
Congrats Shannon! Shoot me an email at with your address and I will get it right out to you!
I planned on going into further detail about my weekend, but I am going to have to stop here! Hope you all have a wonderful day! I am going to try and go back to sleep. If I'm unconscious I can't focus on the pain, right?!

Woo hoo! I just emailed ya :) Thanks!
Dang! I was hoping I would win as I am like #500 on the list for requesting it at the library! Oh well, I will just have to be patient ( I am trying to not buy any books this summer ).
Sounds like a fun event, though. I bet it was great hearing her speak.
Hope the tooth pain goes away very soon!!
Ouch, a root canal sounds painful! Hope the aching goes away soon!
I hope your tooth feels better soon -- and congrats to Shannon!
Hope your tooth is starting to feel better!
I can't believe you needed a root canal. How awful! But hopefully it will solve all the problems you were having with your tooth and you won't have to deal with it anymore.
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