I officially have 24 days left to study for the Praxis Pre-Professional Skills I Test... and I am so nervous. To be accepted into the program I need a reading score of 171, a writing score of 171 and a math score of 169.
The reading and writing shouldn't be a problem, I have always been a natural in those areas. But the math? Not so natural at that... All through school I had to study hard to excel in math. (And even then I did not excel.)
My plan is to study a little bit each day. Perhaps an hour or more? Cramming for tests is not really an effective study method for me, but my self-discipline is slightly lacking so it's going to take a lot of pushing to make myself study every day.
I can do it though. I HAVE TO! This is what I want and passing this test is a crucial and necessary step.
In other news, we are officially moved into the new place and my sister and I are not only sisters but roommates now! So far, so good. It's only been three nights though. I'm expecting blowups and tears, but I know overall we will have more good times than bad. (We're too old to fight like we used to, right? RIGHT?! Good Lord, I hope so).
My summer is also filling up super fast. I have three trips to Kansas City planned, four trips to the lake (YAY!), and one trip to small town Iowa for a wedding. I. can't. wait. Seriously, this is what I need. Lots of stuff going on to keep my mind off of other things!
I have also made a pretty big decision for myself. I have been trying so hard to get myself back out on the dating scene and find that person. But, I don't think that is what I need. I finally figured it out after the third date I had since Cy and afterwards I ended up driving around crying for about an hour. Seriously, I drove around aimlessly just thinking and thinking... and I knew that what I was doing was not right for me. Right now, anyway.
I need more time to get over Cy and what happened and just focus on ME. I have finally figured out what I want to do professionally and am ready to get going on that. I am finally feeling more comfortable in my own skin and I need to continue to work on myself before I can give my heart away again.
So, that is what's up with me! I'm trying to keep up with all of you and am trying my hardest to comment! I'm sorry the comments have been sparse lately!
Teachers out there... how was the Praxis? Did you pass the first time? Do you have any tips you would be willing to share with this hopeful soon to be teacher?

Glad things are going well for you!
I took the Praxis for elementary education and it was very easy :) I passed on the first try! You'll do fine!
Good luck with the studying. I am sure you will do great. This is the first step in working towards a better, more fulfilling work life! Good for you!
I think for most of us. our initial instinct after a break-up is to get back out there - but most times you are just putting a band-aid over a wound. I think it's healthy to take a step back, work on your happiness, and really make sure that person is out of your system before moving on. It is hard to do at times because dating can serve as a great distraction sometimes... Hang in there!
Good Luck studying..
Time after a relationship is great.. sets you up for great things in what happens next.
I am reading the day I shot cupid.. thanks for the tip :)
Good luck with the Praxis! I know how difficult it is to just buckle down and study every single day, especially when you work on top of it all, but I'm sure you will do great! I am currently studying for the MCATs and it is definitely not easy finding the time, but you just have to make time.
I will keep you in my thoughts that you get through this and do great!
This flies in the face of contemporary thought, but my bubs and I don't study.
He took his praxis and passed it on the first try. YOU CAN DO IT!!
ah I am so nervous too! I SUCK at Math! Are the scores you have to get just the ones for your school, or is that the passing grade? I dont know what grade I need to pass!
In Minnesota we have to take Praxis I and Praxis II yuck.
Good luck! and IM so glad you are taking time for YOU!
ah I am so nervous too! I SUCK at Math! Are the scores you have to get just the ones for your school, or is that the passing grade? I dont know what grade I need to pass!
In Minnesota we have to take Praxis I and Praxis II yuck.
Good luck! and IM so glad you are taking time for YOU!
I think you're definitely right to stay single for a while and concentrate on you. Being single isn't all that bad, honest! :)
In Michigan we do not need to take the Praxis we take the MTTCs... I will say that I would not stress over the pre-test.. The pre-test I had to take was incredibly easy. I got a perfect on the writing section and am much better readig person than math but scored higher in the math, because i may have been hurrying through the test to get to a football tailgate hahaha.
Good luck on the exam, I know you're going to do great! I also think that's great that you know what you do and do not want to do right now in your personal life.
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