Basically, what my job entails is occupying and entertaining the residents (patients) while the nurses get paperwork and other things done. It sounds super easy and kind of fun. I've always enjoyed spending time with the elderly and learning from them.
Today I went in there to finish up paperwork, have a physical and get a TB test. I also got a tour of the facilities and met several of the residents.
Now, I'm not going into this blind and ignorant. I know it will be hard, I know that many of these residents are considered very sick and I know they may not remember me everyday. Many of them do not get regular visitors and their families do not come to visit them. I just didn't realize it was going to hit me so hard. As I was getting the tour and meeting many of them I felt a lump starting to form in my throat and immediately I was like, "oh no, Amber. Don't, do it! Don't cry!" Luckily, I didn't cry, but I just know that there will be days I leave there in tears over how sad it is.
I still want to do it because as my friend put it, these people need people like me during the last leg of their life. People that truly care and want to make their lives better. Just by sitting next to them smiling and holding a conversation for a few minutes a day will provide them enough joy and happiness that could last days or even weeks.
Next week I have my orientation and I should start shortly after that. I'm really excited and hope I like it!
Other than picking up a part-time job I have been trying to do other things to cut corners as well. I gave up my regular manicures, which I used to receive bi-weekly. For the past eight years I have gotten my nails done every other week that cost an average of $35 each time. I knooooooow. So indulgent. I always considered it a vice of mine and claimed that I could not do my own nails and make them look nice enough. Well, I took the nails off and have been taking vitamins (pre-natal vitamins to be exact. Ha!) to strengthen them and they're looking really good! I'm actually enjoying painting them myself and changing the color every couple days instead of every couple weeks!
My rent has gone down because I am living with my sister and I am also looking into trading in my car.
Ok, so trading in my car isn't going to help so much but I just want something different. Not new, just different. ;)
What are some of your indulgences that you know you should go without but just can't give up?

PS: Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!! It's a good one! :)

That is an awesome, rewarding part time job! That actually is just what type of part time job I'm looking for. I've been talking to my parents and friends how I want to work in an nursing home just acting as a friend to elders. My mom thinks I'm crazy for wanting to do that, but it would be so rewarding. Please blog lots about it! I will be eager to see how it goes for you.
Starbucks! I don't go everyday, or even every other day, but when I get together with friends for coffee, no matter how broke I may be, I always have enough for a Starbucks latte. Maybe because the company of my friends is worth it :)
You sound like exactly what those people need! A warm heart that cares about them as real human beings. Good luck!
That sounds like such a rewarding job!
This is great! I am a babies person not an elderly person, so I really admire you :) As for indulgences, while seemingly inexpensive- it ads up! Magazines and a candy :) xo
Good luck with the job girl! I don't think I could do it...I'd get too emotional :(
You are such a good person, I wish I was that good. I wouldn't have the patience though, I'm too selfish. Paid or not.
The main indulgence I can't give up is wine. I'm sure I would save myself a good 100 quid or so a month if i gave that up, for sure! It's too delicious though...
First of all, good for you for taking this job--I admire you, and those people do need you. My mom volunteers at a nursing home. She delivers their mail.
As for my indulgences, I think we both know there are many! Let's see, for starters - pedicures every other week, twice monthly massages, $300 highlights, blowouts, Starbucks. I think that is enough for now!!
I have gotten somewhat better. :)
Wow, that is awesome. I know how you feel, I worked at Starbucks and I still can't go back. What a rewarding job, does it matter to you if a stranger in blog land says, "I'm proud of you!" ??? Anyway, I've had to give up LOADS of indulgences since becoming a Mom but I've grabbed by getting my hair did. I just feel less frumpy with an actual DO and Hilights!
Congrats. Sounds like a great job.
That job sounds like a great fit for you. I know it will be very challenging and will tug on your heart strings, but we really need kind, compassionate people like you working in those sorts of settings. And i am sure the residents will love your cheery personality. :)
I gave up lattes in January. I used to only drink them on Fridays - now i don't drink them at all. Instead i make coffee at home. It was an adjustment at first, but now I actually prefer my own coffee! :)
That is a great step! My grandmother lived in a dementia home before we passed away. I agree, it is very difficult to witness.
You may know this already, but this is something I find very fascinating. People with dementia may forget a lot of things but they don't forget music (or not until their memory loss get severe). We donated my grandmothers piano and she would play on it and other people would sing along or/and dance. It was nice to see those times. :)
Ohh that sounds great! And I bet it will be a super rewarding job too! Good for you :)
I commend you on the job... I couldn't do it, but as your friend said, they need people like you!
I once had the nail fetish... It was ruining my nails, though, so I decided to just quit getting fake nails and get regular manicures. However, I could do them better than they could for a lot less money. Hair is probably still my indulgence!
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