Happy Memorial Day! :)
I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday and enjoying some sun, bbq and family! I fortunately have today off, but had to work Fri-Sun. Fun times, I tell ya, fun times.
Well, it's finally here. Friday is the day I take the Praxis. I know I will be okay, but it's hard not to be nervous because it's an important requirement for being accepted into grad school. I have all the other requirements. I just need the right scores on this test!
The test is made up of three sections. Math, reading and writing. I've been mainly studying the math portion as I have always excelled at reading and writing. Although, this week I am going to write a few sample essays and need someone to read them and give me a "score". Then I thought, who would be better judges than you guys?! So, all this week I will choose sample questions from the book I am studying from and write an essay like what I will be asked to do on the real test. If you all would be so kind to read them and grade them for me I would be so grateful!
From the 71 topics I have to choose from I will chose a few to write a sample essay for practice. I will give myself 30 minutes to write the response. Each of the topics are opinion statements and I am asked to agree or disagree with the statement. The essays should be organized, include an introduction, a body that supports your opinion and a conclusion. The essays are rated on a 1-6 scale, with 6 being the highest score.
Look for my first essay either tonight or tomorrow! Thank you in advance, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Amber! Looking forward to helping a sister out! Bring it on! :)
Good luck - I am sure you will do great on the test but it will be good to have it behind you.
Looking forward to helping grade your essays. I am sure they will be great! :)
You're going to do great on that test! Good luck!
Good luck! You'll do great!
I am sure you will do great, too! The math part would trip me up
Good luck!
Can't wait to read the essay!!
Good Luck! You are going to do great!!
Best of luck, but you are going to do fine! I'm going to have to read back to see about this grad school business. :)
That sounds like a fun idea with the essays! And good luck with the rest of your studying!
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