Monday, September 12, 2011

4th Quarter = GO TIME!

A few weeks ago, at the end of August, I wrote about my PE Methods class and how we were required to take a fitness test, a body composition test and set a goal for ourselves. It's been awhile since I've mentioned anything about it, so I figured today I would update you! I have been calling this my "4th Quarter Goals" considering this is the end of the year and my business background is ingrained in my system. (The year is constantly broken down into four quarters in my head).

Here is what I said I would DO:

1. STOP making excuses and STOP the negative self talk (such as "I can't do this").

I have been doing very well with this goal and am working on being just as positive with myself as I am with others.

2. REDUCE the last minute homework/studying and reduce the amount of time spent on the couch watching tv.

This is a struggle for me. I like to work on small assignments the day or night before the class, so it is fresh in my head. It hasn't interfered, so I don't see it as a problem yet.

3. INCREASE motivation by working out with a buddy and regularly reviewing the stats from yesterday to keep me going.

I have been working with Suz on holding ourselves accountable and last week we emailed each other how our week went. Last week I thought about the email I would have to send her recapping my week quite a bit. I did not want to email her to tell her I wasn't doing well!

4. START scheduling and planning my workouts at the beginning of each week and hold myself accountable to that schedule like I do with work or classes.

I haven't started this one yet. To give you a lame excuse: I'm waiting for my Erin Condren planner. Lame, right? Very lame. This week I am mapping out my workouts and my meals. (Oh, and my Erin Condren planner comes this week. Inspiration, no?)

Another goal I have completely ignored is improving my mile. I hate running.

Yes, I said hate.

I try to like it. I have tried to like it for over 10 years. Probably closer to FOURTEEN years, actually. In high school I played soccer and to get ready for soccer season I was in a run club and I practiced with the track team. I hated both of them. Especially track.

Although, going forward I am going to force myself to time my mile each week, so that come November I have an idea of how I will do when I run it in class. To improve my mile I am doing other cardio activities, such as the elliptical and stationary bike.

My biggest problem the past two weeks was time. Sweet, sweet time.

I have absolutely over-booked myself this semester and I cannot seem to stop. I just cannot say no. Luckily, both of my jobs lend themselves very well to multi-tasking. Most of my clients have fitness goals, so I can workout with them and when I am substitute teaching I get plenty of time to work on my own schoolwork.

I wish I had more to report back, but unfortunately, I do not. I think this week is going to be a turning point for me though, especially in regards to the planning. It sounds silly, but that new planner is really lighting a fire underneath me. I know in my excitement to use it, I will be planning everything.

Before, in the 4th Quarter I would be equal parts nervous and excited. It was at this time of the year I was the busiest. I did half of the year's business (or more) during this pivotal time. I am hoping I can lend that to my personal life this year.

What are your plans for the 4th quarter? Does the fact that it's almost October make you break out in a cold sweat or get completely excited?


Lisa's Yarns said...

I can't believve we are approaching the 4th quarter of the year. It's going to be a really busy time of year for me with all of my traveling and then the craziness of the holidays.

I am the queen of saying yes to too many things, too. It helps having run club, though, as I usually do not say yes to things on those nights so I know I will get at least 3 runs in a week, and then I usually get 1-2 cross training sessions in before work so that frees up my week nights. I never thought I would be the girl who got up at 5 to exercise, but it's gotten to be my new 'normal'.

Sounds like you are off to a great start! Don't feel like you need ot love running, ok? There are other goals you can work towards... Running is not for everyone!!

Amber said...

I agree with Lisa! Don't feel like you need to run!! You can always do other cardio to improve your cardiovascular fitness overall and then just practice your mile once a week maybe?

Having your Erin Condren planner should help! I write ALL my workout plans in there!

*Butler, Party of 4* said...

I can totally relate!! i keep telling myself i'm going to slow down and start saying no, but it doesn't seem to happen. :( swing by my blog today for some workout inspiration!! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are super awesome goals. I too need to stop with the excuses. Such as I'm to tired to run this morning. The half marathon is approaching fast and I WILL NOT break my foot this time. Haha. P.S. GO CYCLONES! :)