Remember last week when I implied I had something to tell? Well, I'm ready to spill...
I quit my job this week.
Yep, I did it. I actually quit. As of January 8, 2011 I will be unemployed.
And, it's flippin' scary.
So, as most of you know I started graduate school in August and it's going splendidly. I could not ask for more. Except, I do want more! More classes that is.
All of my time and energy expended towards work just doesn't feel right, I want to be putting that time towards classes and only working part time. So, in October I mapped out what it would look like for the next few years if I went full time and if I do that I will graduate in exactly two years!
After registering for classes I made the plan to tell my boss the Monday after Thanksgiving. I wanted to tell her so bad on Black Friday when I could do so in person, but that would have just been wrong. We had a few things happen over Thanksgiving weekend that made it really hard to stick to my plan, but I followed through and letting her know actually went very well.
You may be wondering why I am giving such a lengthy notice. I didn't have to, I didn't sign a contract or anything like that. My store is such a different case... it's very high volume and kind of a power-house. It can't be filled by just anyone. Finding someone will take time. A six week notice is generous, but necessary to find the right person for the job. I truly respect my boss and don't wish any ill will towards her so I felt it was the right thing to do.
You may be wondering what I am going to do for income? Very valid. Yes, yes it is. I'm planning (hoping) to substitute teach Wed-Fridays each week. In my hometown most districts pay subs $130 a day which will be plenty in supplement to my student loans. Next weekend I am taking a class that will certify me to sub in middle school and high school due to my already having a bachelors degree. I wish I could sub in elementary but in the state of Iowa you have to have a teaching certificate to sub k-5. :(
I'm very scared, nervous, excited... all rolled in one! What if I don't get called to sub? What if I hate it? What if I'm making a HUGE mistake? These are all valid fears, I know, but I need to find out if this is what I am supposed to do. My gut instinct tells me I am right and that I need to take this leap of faith. How will I ever know if I don't do it?
What is the scariest leap of faith you have taken in your life?

Wow girl! This is big! But it sounds like you know exactly what you're doing and this is the exact right decision for you!! I'm so proud of you/happy for you :)
I think it sounds like a great decision for you! I'm wishing you luck that it all works out the way you hoped, and in no time at all you're teaching!
Wow! Good for you though. It is a scary new step in your life, but it is the right thing to do!
hey! yes :) I charge for blog design but love to do it. Email me if you wanna talk details!
Praying for you BIG TIME!!! We will be making a similar leap of faith this spring (stay tuned for details!) and it is so scary but exciting!!
Wow! Sounds like you have everything mapped out well though. My mom is a substitute teacher and she LOVES it. In Missouri, all you have to have is an associates degree without taking a test, which also allows elementary, but I guess that reflects in the pay because subs in this school district only get $80 a day. I hope everything works out for you and I can't wait to read about your full time adventures in school! :)
It sounds like you made this decision in an educated manner so congrats to you.
I think you are incredible brave and right in following your gut! You have to do what you think is best and if you love school then that's what you should invest in!
That is awesome! When you know your sub number, hook me up so that you can come sub in my room!
oh that is awesome! I think this is a great decision! You have determined that teaching is your passion, so you might as well do what you can to get through the program as quickly as possible. Good for you!
The biggest leap of faith thing I did was to quit my job last spring. I didn't have another job secured at the time so it was a huge risk, but it all worked out and was the right thing for me to do.
A leap of faith that comes to mind for me was when I moved from Des Moines to Minneapolis to be with my then boyfriend. I gave up everything--my job, my apartment, all my friends--and just loaded up my belongings and my cat, Tiffany, and off we went. But at least I did have a job lined up--I was able to transfer within the same insurance company. I don't regret moving to Minneapolis. Long story short, I broke up with my boyfriend the following spring but moving was still a good leap of faith for me!
Wow - how incredibly brave of you! To know what you want to do, to find something you truly enjoy and to take a leap and make it work! I think that is SO amazing. :)
Kudos to you and here's hoping that things work out beautifully for you over the next year!
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