Awhile back I decided to stop buying books, and to use only the library. My only exception was for books I knew I would read again or books I would like to pass down to my own children someday. Books that fall into this category are books by J.K. Rowling, Jodi Picoult or Stephenie Meyer (I know, I know, so not an author I'm going to pass down but I think I will read them again!). Or books that are classics such as
Wuthering Heights or
Little Women, because if you read
this post you would know it's important to me that my children read these. I sure hope I have girls, huh!? Ha!
I found that I was spending a ridiculous amount on books that I could get for FREE at the library and only have to wait a few weeks after the release date, if that! I have two bookshelves in my apartment and I have filled them several times with books, then given them away or sold them to Half Price Books for a ridiculously low amount. This happens during one of my de-cluttering phases that I tend to have several times a year.
I think I may have taken it too far...
Lately I have been checking my library account almost daily to see where I am on the hold list for some of my favorite books and strategically reading them in a certain order because of it's due date.
Wow. I can't believe I just admitted that. Oh well. I'm a dork and I love it.
Yesterday two books came in that I am really excited about, and coincidentally are milestones in this "No buying books" goal I have going. They are Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner and Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. These are two books that a year ago (or even a few months ago) I would have ran out and bought on the day they were released. Doing this I would have wasted at least $30 that I could have avoided spending!
I'm proud of myself, because I am a very frivolous shopper and will buy just about anything I want wether or not I have the money or not! Not good...
A part of me feels bad because I'm not supporting these authors and buying their books. Although I can afford to buy these books I just don't see the point anymore... Maybe someday when I have larger place with more bookshelves I will return to buying books. For right now I'm pretty pleased with myself! Sounds so silly, but I'm serious, I was spending a TON of money on books. Sometimes books that I didn't even get around to reading!
Currently I have 7 books checked out and 6 books on hold from the library... yikes! I also just keep spotting new books I want to read and then go to the library's online catalog and place them on hold. It's the weirdest addiction I have had in a long time! LOL!
When I get an email alert that a book I requested is in I have to go get it that day.... It's slightly ridiculous.
Is anyone else like me? Do you tend to buy or borrow books more?
PS: Isn't that image above hilarious? It's a magnet! It might just be hilarious to me due to my strange obsession.... I understand if I lose readers because of my strange new fetish... ;)