How are you already six months old?! Time has flown by and your dad and I have enjoyed every minute!
You are such a "good" baby and so easy going. We have slid you right into our lives without hardly skipping beat, it is almost like you have always been with us!
In the past month you have learned and changed so much! You are currently almost 15 lbs, which is still pretty small, but you are solid. Your weight is in the 23rd percentile. When people ask how old you are, they are consistently surprised because you're still a tiny peanut and you are really strong. You have been standing (with assistance) for months now and this month you began sitting up unassisted! You still need someone behind you or your boppy pillow in case you fall backward. Last week at the library's story time you flopped backward and hit your head. You were NOT a happy camper about that! Mom felt super bad about that.
Speaking of story time, you LOVE going every week. We go every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Des Moines library. If any other local library had baby story times we would be all over that and go everyday, but the DSM library is the only one that accommodates babies! You love seeing your friends and "playing" with the other babies. You LOVE people and are already a very social person. Mom cannot wait to see if you end up with Daddy's infectious people-person personality!
You are a wearing a mix of 3 month and 6 month clothing. The 6 month clothing is a little big and mom tries to shrink them in the dryer before you wear them. The weather right now is really hot and humid, so having some baggy clothing is probably not a bad thing. We try to get out everyday, whether that is for story time, lunch out with mommy's friends or grocery shopping. Either way, you are eagerly along for the ride and do not usually fuss. You are a great napper in the car and have taken many naps in your car seat while to and from various places. This summer together has been amazing!
You love to "talk" and you babble away sometimes. Mom wonders what you are talking about! This month you will try solids for the first time and we are hoping to skip purees. I know you are going to make the call though, and we will see what works for you. You do not have any teeth yet and it does not appear as if any are beginning to poke through, so that might make eating solids that aren't pureed a little difficult, but we will figure it out!
Later this month we are going on a camping trip and mom is really excited about that! I hope you have fun! We are bringing your pack n' play but, Mom hopes you just sleep with us. ;)
Other things you love: your jumperoo, your play mat, anything you can chew on, Zeke and Libby (any dogs and cats, really), you are obbbsesssssed with the turtle that is usually living in mom's classroom, but is home for the summer. You also like any toy that is crinkly. Most recently you have really loved your Sophie giraffe and we try to make sure we always have that nearby.
We cannot wait to see what changes are in store for the next 6 months!!!
We love you so much!
Love, Mom and Dad
Happy half birthday! Elley used to keep e crinklies around that age too. Of course we went out and bought a crinkle book and she was immediately over it. Ha!
She is so darn cute! I love that she's such a social little baby, too, and that she is so easy going! I think she must have gotten that from her mom as you are also so easy going! I can't believe she is already 6 months old, though. Where does the time go???
Holy moly 6 months has flown by! Happy 6 months Elise!! You are such a cutie!
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