Lisa and Amber inspired this "Looking Forward" post today. When I first read Lisa's I thought to myself how I would like to do a post like this sometime and I never stopped thinking about it! I think it's a great way to set long term and short term goals, so I may make this a regular feature here!
Today I will... go shopping for a wedding present! One of my employees is getting married tomorrow and an old co-worker (my old assistant turned super close friend) and I are headed up to her hometown to attend the wedding. The bride has been such a godsend for me and I honestly don't know what I would have done without her this past year. She's one of those people that is always calm and never lets anything frazzle her. She laughs at stressful situations and always has a positive outlook on life. Congrats, Amelia! =)
This week I will... head to Kansas City after getting back from small town Iowa. One of my close friends moved to SCOTLAND four years ago and she's making a visit back to the States for the first time! I am sooooo excited to see her and cannot believe it's been so long. I am so envious of her for having the courage to move so far away!
This month I will... get all of my requirements gathered to apply for... GRAD SCHOOL! OMG! My fingers are crossed I get in and I don't have to wait until the spring semester to start. Please say a prayer for me!
This year I will... hopefully quit my full time job and become a full time college student again. Crazy, right? ;)
What are you looking forward to today, this week, this month, and this year?

crossing my fingers for you on grad school!!!
Love this Looking Forward post idea.
I may have to steal!
yay! fun post! your books and giftcard should be arriving anytime now! please let me know that they did so I don't worry:) smiles, gina
Grad school!!!! YAY!
How exciting to be going back to school full time!
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