This week has flown by! Holy moly, I can't believe it's already Thursday! I am glad it is though, I've got plans tonight that I have been looking forward to all week.
Well, I know I have been MIA lately. It's due to several reasons. Being busy with work and my internet connection being really sluggish are the main reasons. I am so flippin' impatient and I hate it when it takes more than a few seconds to load a page. I know, I'm a spoiled brat. I just can't help it, it grates on my last nerve. I pay for a high speed connection so I was really annoyed when I figured out that that was what it was. Originally I thought I had a virus or something. This is probably because my parents had to have their computer restored recently because it was so overloaded with viruses. I have a Macbook and they have a desktop PC. It's about their third computer in a short while because of viruses and they will not listen to me about the quality of Macs... tsk, tsk! I'm a Mac girl through and through and will probably never change. The quality of the computers and the friendliness of the employees in the Apple store have won me over! Are you a Mac or a PC?
Anyway, back to my point. I took the computer into the Apple store and the internet popped right up so we knew then it was my connection. They told me to come home, turn off the router for a bit and that might do the trick. It did! Yay!
So, hopefully I will back blogging regularly! Good thing I didn't do NaBloPoMo, I would have failed miserably already.
It's ok to be busy! Blog when you can. Not gonna get into the whole which is better Mac or PC debate, because it really just comes down on personal preference. As for the virus thing, there's more PC viruses because there are more jerks writing viruses for Windows-based computers than for Macs. Preventing viruses is not super-difficult, just get a good anti-virus software and don't click on everything you see. I myself am PC because it's what I learned early on. And in defense of PC's, we have a Mac at work that crashes constantly, so they're not without fault either.
Hope your internet connection gets faster. Do you have it through cable or DSL? Sometimes if a lot of people have the same service, it can slow things down for everyone.
I'm a PC... but, really, it takes all kinds!
I think you could have done NaNo. Does the idea hand writing 1667 words per day for an entire month NOT appeal to you or something?!
Team Mac!!!! :)
Once you go Mac you never go back!!!
<3 iphoto, photobooth, imovie, the list goes on and on...
Its fun to think how spoiled we've become with out internet connections. I mean do you remember how long it used to take to load a webpage 10 years ago? And now if it doesn't load instantaneously there must be a problem!
It's so annoying when you're internet-less... it's so tough because you feel completely disconnected from the world
I have the SAME problems with my internet at home. I'm getting in the habit of turning the router off when I'm gone for the day and it seems to help, maybe try that from now on?
I'm a PC but a Mac-wannabe. My next computer will most likely be a Mac.
I'm a Mac girl as well! I love it! Glad your internet is working better!
Mac girl here!
I have been slacking on blogging too both reading and writing. Trying to catch up this weekend.
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