Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday

Oh, heeeey! I'm alive! I have been MIA since ... well, lets not even look, because it's been a LONG time.

Buckle your seatbelt because this Five on Friday is going to be jam packed, but how else do I get everything in if it's not a good ol' fashioned list, eh?

1. My fiance and I have been co-habitating for two weeks now. We're living in his friends house in the lovely Beaverdale area of Des Moines (conveniently one of my favorite neighborhoods!) annnnd, we just made an offer on a house and they ACCEPTED! If the inspection on Monday goes well and everything else goes well, we will likely close on April 14th and be in the house by early May. I AM SO EXCITED! Right now I am feeling so cramped with half of my stuff is in the garage and sharing a bathroom the size of a closet. Living together has been wonderful though. I am still getting used to it and sometimes, especially when Bill asks me when I'll be home, I don't think it has completely sunk in.

2. Spring Break 2014 has officially started! I need this SO BAD. After winter break, I was feeling good. January was fine, I was keeping up with EVERYTHING. Then, February happened and I got my ass kicked. The first half of March, all I could think was, "I. NEED. A. BREAK." So, visions of spring break clouded my head and I was just trying to stay afloat until then. Then, last Friday happened.

Let me explain.

My district has to cut six million dollars in the next two years. Six. Million. Dollars. We knew this was coming and I always worried, but so many people said not to worry, we are a no-bump district and I should be fine.

Then, they decided to close an entire school. Yes, the school is rather small, but still ... Where would all those workers go? They have to be placed somewhere. Then I began to really worry. Others said not to, it would be fine.

Then, last Friday, we had a meeting at the end of the day and our principal (who is an interim principal that came out of retirement to work with us for a year and is WONDERFUL) gathered us together for a meeting to tell us what the administration was presenting to the board. It was ... shocking. We knew the small school would close, as that would save over one million dollars, but the cuts they proposed to the special education department was infuriating.

Anyway, long story short, we attended that board meeting, said our peace and made them see the light. Things have worked out in our favor. It looks like I should be able to keep my job due to new positions we are opening for instructional coaches (with a grant) and all the people retiring (due to a more attractive retirement package).

Hallelujah! I can take "find a new job" off my already insane list for things I need to do in 2014.

3. Working out 7 days a week is still going strong! Sometimes I do skip running or going to the gym for a "rest" day, but I always get in 10,000 steps, so I am still meeting my Pact. Yesterday I ran outside for the first time since November, and ... it kinda sucked. I'm not in running shape right now. The treadmill has hurt me. I know I am in cardiovascular shape, so I'm not too worried. It will come back, but yesterday's run outside was not a confidence booster! Doesn't help that I am running in a new area, I suppose. (excuses, excuses)

I also recently re-committed myself to See-Us Run Des Moines for another year, which is a student-mentor running group in Des Moines for the IMT Des Moines Marathon. I participated last year and loved it! I will likely do the half again, as I do not think a full marathon is ever in my future.

4. Wedding planning is going ... okay. We still have a lot of BIG things to do. Like book an officiant and photographer. Luckily I have leads on both and I hope they work out for us! I am taking my dress to the tailor today. The bridesmaids have bought their dresses. The men know what they are wearing. We have secured tables and chairs and have food and booze figured out. During spring break I hope to get my save the dates out in the mail and get invitations ordered! Sometimes I feel like such a slacker, but honestly, when do I do this stuff?? This year is going to kill me! I am frequently reminding myself that this is fun, and I need to enjoy it. That usually does the trick, because it IS fun!

5. Why did I jam so much into 1-4? I cannot think of a 5. This will have to be Four on Friday. :) 

Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for reading!


Julie said...

I'll silent cheer for you until you sign that contract chicka! I was in your same boat, they didn't close schools but they deleted 10 teachers, me being one of them, in the end so nothing is safe until your John Hancock is on that line. Then I'll jump for joy for you!! ;)

Congrats on the house - how exciting!

Carolina John said...

Good job getting all of those workouts in! 7 days a week? even I take a rest day now and then. Rock on girl.

Congrats on getting the job stuff worked out too. that's really cool.

Amber said...

CONGRATS on the house!!! So excited for you! I am thinking about you and hope everything goes OK with your job. XO

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

yay for exciting things! boo for work crap.

Lisa's Yarns said...

I am so excited that you and Bill found a house! I LOVE the Beaverdale area of DSM as it's so cute and the houses have so much character. If I lived in DSM and wanted a home, that is definitely where I would look to buy!

I can understand why you haven't tackled things on your wedding to do list. Don't beat yourself up too much, you have been so busy! This year will probably go down as one of your busiest (well, maybe until you have kids?). But still. It's held lots of big firsts that are very time demanding and stressful. So yes, you should sort of enjoy the process but really, it will be great to just BE married and enjoy normal life with Bill. I think the only thing you should REALLY make sure you enjoy is your wedding day and I am going to be there to make sure that happens. :)

Becky said...

Congratulations on not having to find another job AND the house! Fingers crossed all goes well!

Hang in there with wedding planning - similar to running you will definitely hit a "wall" but when the wedding day comes you will be too busy having a great time and marrying the love of your life to worry about things!

Shoshanah said...

Congrats on the house, and I hope you close soon! I know with use it took months to actually close, but it was definitely worth it. And I can't wait to hear more about the house once it's finally yours!!

Kelly (She Wears a Red Sox Cap) said...

Seriously, you have SO much going on right now! I can't believe you guys are buying a house too- amazing! I thought wedding planning was really stressful but I promise it will all come together eventually.

I know how stressful budget cuts in the district can be, so I'm really glad it is going to work out for you. I'm sure your principal will do everything possible to keep you. What does it mean to be a "no bump" district? I know bumping means like someone with more tenure kicking out someone newer, but how do they avoid that? Just curious :)

Lesli said...

I told you it would be okay. Yay!!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Whoa, you have a lot going on right now! When it rains, it pours! You can do it, you just need to break it down by priority/time schedule and start hammering things out! I am glad that you did not get cut, but sad that they are cutting anyone!!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Whoa, you have a lot going on right now! When it rains, it pours! You can do it, you just need to break it down by priority/time schedule and start hammering things out! I am glad that you did not get cut, but sad that they are cutting anyone!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

It sounds like you have been crazy busy! That's so great about being able to keep your job and great news about the house!