Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Workin' it out 12/30-1/5

Wow, my first week with the FitBit was a great one! I ended up coming in #1 out of my "friends" online (most I do actually know in "real life") and I found this aspect to be VERY motivating. I am not really that competitive of a person, but being #1 in any ranking is dang motivating, no?

My FitBit stats for the week: 

Total steps: 87,283
Total distance: 37.05 miles
Total calories burned: 17,421
Calories in vs. calories out: +742
Weight change: Haven't gotten up the courage to weight myself yet. Probably won't.
Avg. sleep duration: 7 hrs 44 min.

Here's how I moved:

Monday: 50 min. run/walk 4 miles on the treadmill, 20 min., 2 miles on the elliptical
Tuesday: 60 min. run/walk 5 miles on the treadmill
Wednesday: 60 min. Zumba class and 20 minutes on the treadmill (hopped on the treadmill after class to get my steps up to 10,000!
Thursday: 60 min. Zumba class
Friday: Rest - 6,823 steps
Saturday: "long" run 5 miles on the treadmill
Sunday: 10 min. bike, 10 min. elliptical, 25 min. treadmill

So, as you can see, I moved a lot!! However, my calorie intake was higher than my goal, so I do not expect to have moved on the scale. I really need to get my calories under control. My weakness is food. I eat what I want, when I want it. Absolutely no willpower.

I was a little disappointed to see that both days of school last week averaged 6,000 steps per day. More than the average employee, I'm sure, as I spend most of my time on my feet but I was surprised that it did not end up being more. Maybe with this awareness I can boost that number up a bit. 

I am hoping these weekly posts help me out! With my goals that I posted yesterday, and having to put all of this out there, it should hopefully motivate me to be better each week. I cannot wait to see what my stats look like when it gets nicer out and my mileage with race training gets high!!

Stay tuned!


  1. I told Keith I wanted that fitbit and he says he has read it doesn't work well. I pointed out to him that he says that about every darn product and I know those gym machines don't record it perfect so I may just have to gift myself something year and get it. Men!

    PS - I'm afraid to weigh myself a lot too. I hate the scale!

  2. Wow that is crazy that you covered 37 miles in a week! I think of marathon training and how hard it is to hit 37 miles during training, so it's surprising that you would cover that much ground in a given week! But good for you. I can totally see that having friends to 'compete' against would be motivating. You are definitely off to a great start!

  3. 37 miles! Go girl!

    I'm also impressed by the sleep average. Way to go!


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