Monday, February 29, 2016

Coffee Date

I love when my blogger friends post Coffee Date posts. You know, the ones where they write what we would talk about if we could go out for coffee together, so that is what you get from me today. :)

If we were having coffee today ... I would probably tell you that I have been drinking an insane amount of coffee since having Elise. Well, I guess calling it an insane amount is a bit dramatic, but my coffee consumption has definitely increased, which makes sense, since my sleep pattern is sleep 2-3 hours, wake up for 30 minutes to an hour and repeat. Coffee is needed.  I have also began a very bad habit of grabbing a "fancy" coffee while out and about with Elise, which I am sure will disappear once I go back to work. I firmly believe spending money on coffee at a coffee shop is a splurge and not an everyday necessity.

If we were having coffee today ... I would probably mention that a week from today I will be back at work and my maternity leave will be over. I pray that we all have a smooth transition. We are very lucky and Elise will be able to stay at home and family will be watching her until I am home for the summer, but it is still hard. The only silver lining to going back to work, is that means we are that much closer to summer. When I get out for summer break she will be just a few days shy of 5 months old, and I know she will be at a very fun stage!

If we were having coffee today ... We would probably talk about how the Oscars. Did you watch? I watched while grading papers and playing monopoly with my husband (he kicked my butt). Oh, and yeah, I'm working on keeping up with grading while I'm out. Sad, right? Sad, but in the long run, it will pay off later. Anyway, the Oscars. I'm so glad that Leo won! His speech was spot on. Loved it.

If we were having coffee today ... While on the subject of tv, I would probably mention a few shows I'm obsessed with. While on leave, I have been binge watching Scandal and am on the current season. I've been binging so much, that I will probably be caught up to the most current episode this week! Do you watch? We also started watching Fuller House - with the rest of the US, I'm sure! It felt like everyone was binge watching Fuller House on Friday night!

If we were having coffee today ... We might talk about working out. Last week I had my 6 week post partum follow-up appointment and was cleared for exercise. That means I have to get back out there. I would love to start going to Zumba again on the week nights, but it just doesn't work well with my schedule. I will probably start running again and then maybe go to Zumba Saturday mornings. I've got to do something though, because the number on the scale is not a friendly number.

If we were having coffee, what would you chat about? What's going on in your life?


  1. How does grading papers when you are on leave work? Do you go by and pick them up? Never heard of this haha
    It's great Elise will be home with family, that will make the transition easier! What did you decide to do about pumping?

  2. I can't believe this is your last week of mat leave! That went waaaaay too fast! I hope that the transition goes as smoothly as it can next week. I am sure it helps to know that family will be caring for her.

    If we had coffee today I'd probably complain about my inability to run due to some issues I am having with my hip but I'd tell you I'm glad I can do other things like using the elliptical and bike. I'd probably tell you I feel a bit overwhelmed by my scheduled as I only have like 3 free nights between now and march 15th! So much for not overscheduling myself... hopefully April will be a quieter month. Lastly I'd tell you I am really excited to host Nora in March!

  3. It makes me sad whenever I'm reminded of how brief maternity leave is down there in the US. Hopefully the time leading up to summer break goes by fast for you so you can get back to being with Elise!

    And I hear you on the coffee. What a magical drink it is!

  4. Oh darn I'm sorry to hear it's your last week of mat leave. I hope it goes well! If we were having coffee today I would probably talk about how good for me the sunshine has been. The grey months of January and February were not good for my mental health!!


  5. Wait what? You're already going back to work. Maternity leave in the US is a joke (sorry, but true). I hope the time goes quickly until you're on summer break.

    Also, LEO <3 I am so happy he finally got an Oscar (he's deserved it for so long!) and I loved his speech! Spot on!!

  6. It makes me so sad you have to go back to work already, but I'm really glad you only have to worry about a few months of work and then you get summer break!

    I am a huge fan of Scandal so I will chat with you about that crazy show ANY TIME. :)

  7. I also increased my coffee consumption post child. ;) I'm in a complaining mood today and because of our ridiculous weather changes this week my throat is sore. I made it all of February healthy while everyone else in my house was sick. Now this. booo.


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