Monday, February 27, 2012

Tales from Substitute Teaching (2)

Recently I turned 30 years old, but the thing is. I don't look 30 (at least that is what 99.9% of people say) and I definitely don't feel 30.

I know I look very young for my age, and being in college again, it just reinforces that young vibe I give off.

Looking young, being a graduate student... these things do very little for me when I'm in the classroom with middle school students.

If I had a dime for how many students have commented "She's young!" when I walked into the room.... I, well, I wouldn't be rich, because ... I haven't been subbing that long, but I would have a lot of dimes.

I try not to let it bother me because it's really silly. But it does.

It bothers me a lot. As soon as a student says that, and then follows up with, "Do you like rap?" I roll my eyes and usually tell them never to ask a woman her age. They usually just say "WHY?!" and then it perpetuates the entire conversation, so I have resorted to pretending I didn't hear them.

There's really nothing I can do about it either. I don't want to dress "old". I think most of the time it is important that I dress somewhat stylishly when I substitute teach because it is a way to connect with students. That may sound superficial, but... these kids are in middle school and high school. Clothes and appearance are what they care about.

About a week ago I had finally just had it, and I had decided that my long-ish hair was contributing to me looking young. So, I cut three inches off and now I have a long bob again. I actually really, really like it. It's the length it was in my Twitter picture if you follow me on there. I think it's a much more grown up cut.

Lately I have been subbing in a school where the kids all know me, so those comments are so last year, but if I am in a new school... they're bound to happen and they make me c.r.a.z.y.

What really gets your goat lately? Are you good at ignoring it or do you just have to say something about it?


  1. I can see how looking young would be a bit of an impediment when you teach. I have the same problem going into client meetings because I, too, look sort of young, and I am a female in a male-dominated profession.

    Honestly, I have a really short fuse lately. I'm over-tired and feel very spread thin, so a lot of things can easily set me off! Which I feel bad about because I really need to be more even keeled and not get offended so easily... but I do...

  2. "I, well, I wouldn't be rich, because ... I haven't been subbing that long, but I would have a lot of dimes." Oh my gosh that line made me laugh A LOT! Also, I like that they associate being young with liking rap - that just seems like a leap to me!

    I totally get the frustration. It's not as bad for me now because I work in an office where people are definitely younger than me, but for a few years I was in an office where I was the easily youngest one by a couple of decades! I just try to smile and ignore when something came up because I found that rising to the bait only makes them take me less seriously which defeats the purpose.

  3. I generally look about my age now, but that is a recent development. I hated being mistaken for a high school student when I was in grad school, and I did not need anyone telling me I should be grateful for it! That would definitely be a challenge in the classroom.

  4. I know when I was in high school and our sub was young we were slightly more behaved because we related to the teacher more. Of course, that could also make it easier for the student to take advantage of the teacher.

    That being said, some stuff I have to deal with at work has been getting my goat lately, but because it's media related it's hard to vent all the time! I try to ignore it but sometimes I just want to slam my head against a brick wall.

  5. I know when I was in high school and our sub was young we were slightly more behaved because we related to the teacher more. Of course, that could also make it easier for the student to take advantage of the teacher.

    That being said, some stuff I have to deal with at work has been getting my goat lately, but because it's media related it's hard to vent all the time! I try to ignore it but sometimes I just want to slam my head against a brick wall.

  6. I get the young card a lot too. A mom called me out my first year of teaching (I was newly 22). She said (loudly) "to" her daughter at meet-the-teacher-night, "Well looks like we got the youngest teacher in the building!"

    It gets better, once you have a permanent position and people get to know YOU, not the young face.

    I know this will be an issue when I'm a principal too, but I don't plan on letting it bother me, in front of people at least. :)

    Hang in there!

  7. I can totally relate! I look like a 15 year old and sometimes, it's really hard to be taken seriously. It recently happened at my Bible study when I asked for guidance in my career as a prayer request and one of the ladies asked me, "Is college not an option for you?" Sighhh. Then I had to surprise everyone that hey! I'm 24 and I have a college degree. It's frustrating.

  8. Love your new layout too, by the way. I haven't noticed it before! Well, I don't love the shirt you're wearing...but other than that. :)

  9. When I did my student teaching and was 22 years old I kept getting mistaken for the students. I had to dress "professionally" and dressed way above what the students did and actually had teachers yell at me for not being in class. Don't feel bad. Then I chopped 10 inches off my hair and didn't get that quite as bad.

  10. Ha! I get what you mean totally! I look young PLUS I work with a lot of older men who would think I was young no matter what. It doesn't help my credibility to look young; I sometimes wish I looked older. However, when I am 50 or 60 or 70, I will probably be VERY glad to look as young as I can!

  11. That's great that they keep saying you look so young! Hopefully, it will keep happening for a long time!


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