Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's play that game where I make you guess what I am grinning about!

Hey friends!

Guess what!

C'mon, guess!

No, you have to make a guess.

Oh, come on. Be a good sport.

Did you guess yet?

Well, did you?

Are you annoyed yet?

Cause, I am.

And, I'm writing this.

Well, anyway. If you guessed "AmberIsDoneWithSummerClasses!" You would be RIGHT!

Yesterday I finally wrapped up the fourth class and it felt SO good.

I still have a few papers to write, but they're so minuscule and more along the line of a reflection, I am not even counting them.

I am done! WOOOO HOOOOO!

This semester was rough. I cannot believe how much information was crammed into two months. It is insane to me when I sit down and really think about it. It is not like the degree I am working for is necessarily hard. The content isn't difficult, it's more along the lines of reflections and opinions and experience. Lots of reading. Lots of analyzing. Lots of ... thinking? Thinking about thinking. The research articles got a little tedious. For awhile there I was talking about p-values and confounding variables during everyday conversation with my friends. Thank goodness that has passed.

Now I have a three week break until fall semester starts. It will likely be filled up with lots of hours working with the clients at the non-profit (which I am LOVING) and lots of hours perfecting my tan (which is more like a freckled burn) and lots of hours reading (for fun!). There is also one quick trip to the lake in those three weeks that I am looking forward to, annnnd a blogger meet up that I am really, really, really looking forward to!

I will be back to my regularly scheduled blogging this week and I couldn't be happier! Up this week will be posts about the July meeting of Books and Bars, book reviews (omg, book reviews) and an update on life living with an extra roommate and the animal kingdom (how I haven't gone crazy yet with three dogs is beyond me). Oh, and maaaybe a dating story. Maybe. You'll have to come back to see. ;) Muwahahahaha!

Tell me, what are your plans for the dog days of summer?


  1. Yea for being done with classes! Enjoy this break - I hope it doesn't go by too fast! I, too, am super excited for our meet up! Woo hip!

    Looking forward to hearing about this dating story...

  2. Hooray you survived!!!! Enjoy the break.

  3. Congrats on finished this semester and I hope you enjoy your weeks of summer vacation. I have to say summer just isn't the same know that I don't have a true break. But as for plans the last few weeks pretty much the same as yours with some tanning and some reading as well!

  4. Congrats on being done with classes! That is awesome and exciting.

    So far my summer has been really low-key and the weather has SUCKED. We finally are getting some real summer weather though which I'm so so happy about. Right now we have a houseful of guests and this afternoon we're going white water rafting. Then I have a couple of quiet weekends and then my triathlon and the weekend after that minneapolis!!! Then the summer is almost over :( So sad.

    Enjoy your three week break before your next semester!!

  5. Can we PLEASE do an Amber-Shannon-Emily pool day this week since you're finally done??? I have a lot of freckling to do before I'm ready for school!

  6. I have one class this week, one presentation next Monday, then class next Wednesday and then I'm done for the summer!

  7. Coming down on August 14- 15th!!


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