Friday, July 31, 2009

Just gotta learn things the hard way...

As I've grown up I've learned the hard way that there is only a few people in life that are completely, 100% trustworthy.

In my life, it's family and a couple (maybe 2) friends.

Today, I found out that something I said in confidence to a close friend was repeated. After I specifically told this person not to say anything because it would do no good. It would only hurt the person I spoke of.

It wasn't anything hurtful specifically about this person that I said to this friend, it was a feeling.... a way I felt. A feeling that probably shouldn't have even been confessed, but this is what happens when you have a few (or 6) beers.

Things do not get easier as we get older, and they don't necessarily get harder either. They just get complicated.


  1. Oh, no. This post didn't have any specific details (understandably) but I hope things work out. I am starting to think that whenever you voice something out loud, no matter to whom, and no matter if you say please don't ever repeat this, inevitably someone does go on and repeat exactly that and sometimes they add their own two cents and then things get all blown out of proportion and taken out of context. I am sorry!!! I know how much you love your friends and value their friendships. I have only known you a little while but I feel that you are very loyal and trustworthy and I would feel safe in telling you things. Hang in there.

  2. oh don't you hate that... that is certainly something i have also learned the hard way. as i get older i really take to heart the idea that "quality over quantity" is the way to go with people in our lives...because there are only a handful that you can truly be your 100% self with..

  3. Ugh. Gossip - seems to make the world go round, doesn't it?

    Hope everything works out. Sorry to hear your friend did that to you!

  4. Life is complicated! and sometimes we do need to talk about things that bother us to someone else. However i can understand that it is often hard to find someone that won't repeat !

  5. Just found your blog and I love it!!

    I am so sorry about your friend. That feeling of betrayal and violation totally stinks. I hope things get better.

  6. Sorry about your friend betraying you like that. I have a really hard time trusting people because I have been burned so many times. I know I need to be more trusting but i can't help but be weary.


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