Friday, June 5, 2009

Resistant to change...

Wow, Amber was right.

Wordpress is confusing and so far very different from Blogger! At least to me it seems pretty different. I'm sure I will get used to it and love it, but right now I am not loving it. I have the set up of my new site ready to go, but it's just the basics. I need to spruce it up before I start using it. I just need to figure out how to go about that...

I'm a little sad to give up my blog name, but I can't use the same one because it's too obvious if there is any IRL people reading this current blog. I have a new blog title that I think is just as cute!

I haven't really touched on why I'm switching, but I plan on letting you all in on the news once I make the move. There's so much I want to write about, but I just can't until I am absolutely sure I'm completely anonymous. I'm a little angry with myself for giving out the URL or posting my blog on Facebook for a little while, but what's done is done and everything happens for a reason.

On to other news...

Last night the boy and I were texting after I got off work (around 10:30) and things were fine but I was getting ready to go to bed so I knew if he asked me to do something I was going to say no. I must have ESP (or I'm just on to him...) because he asked me what I was doing around 12am and I said just watching tv and getting ready to go to bed.

He texted back with just, "ok." Then a couple minutes after that he texted again and said, "Well I was going to see if you wanted to stop out."

I texted back and said, "Ahh, I wish you would have asked earlier because I would have if I wasn't already in bed :( next time?"

He didn't reply. At all.

I know, he's not used to me turning him down but I really was in bed. Clean face, pajama's on and contacts out. There was no way I was getting up and making myself presentable to meet people. It's not that I didn't want to see him, I really did want to I just wish he would ask me earlier and make plans with me. I don't see why that is so hard.

Hopefully, doing things like I did last night will teach him? I'm not expecting that to happen but if it does I would be very happy! :)


Well, anyway I hope you all are having a great Friday and have an absolutely fabulous weekend! Don't forget to leave me your email address so I can send you all the link to the new home...


  1. Good for you, you have to train the guys in your life. I know that sounds mean, but I think all people are the same way. You won't get what you want from people (not just guys) unless you model the behavior. Have a great weekend!

  2. Amber, you did the right thing. Stick to your guns. And not to be TOO available.

  3. I think it's great that you told him No! Good for you!

    Wordpress IS confusing, but it gets better. If you feel like spending the money I highly recommend you look into getting the Thesis theme, you can do really cool things with it (it's what I have) I think it's like $80! Can't wait to see your new blog!

  4. You did the right thing. If you would have got out of bed and headed over then he would think he just have you whenever he wants. I have had a lot of guyslike this. They think they can just wait til midnight to try and hangout. well think again. I am proud of you.

  5. I think you did the correct thing, and he'll realize that he needs to be proactive! Well, probably not, but that doesn't mean you should have to jump when he asks! Goofy boys.

  6. I think you did the right thing too. He should eventually learn, right?

  7. Good! I think you made the RIGHT choice in NOT going back out. I mean really...if he wanted to hang out and spend time with you why didn't he ask earlier!!! This boy needs to get his gears in control...

  8. Remember this topic about wanting to blog without anyone having a clue who you are? I feel the same way and just started a second blog in order to blog the way I normally would have blogged.

    :) I'm notifying my readers via their blogs as to not post this link ON my blog, FB, twitter, or Myspace.

  9. Please do let me know your new URL.

    Only one of my IRL friends reads my blog and I am ok with her reading it since I am pretty close to her and trust her. I know she won't judge me you know?


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