Thursday, April 2, 2009

Water lovin' cat...

My cat has always been a little strange, and I know because I have had more cats growing up than I can count.

No, I did not live on a farm (as much as the name of my blog likes to imply that I do...) my mom loved to pick up stray animals and bring them home. Best mom ever, right?! :)

Soooo, I know when a cat is just plain peculiar. Libby is peculiar.

She loves water. Since she was a kitten she had to be in the bathroom with me when I showered. She gets in the shower after I get out and walks around in the leftover water. She drinks the water that drips from the faucet (I swear, she has water in her dish). She also likes to sit on top of the door and stare.

I honestly do not believe she is staring at me (lol) she's staring at the stream of water. I think she wants to get in!

Have you ever met a cat that likes to get wet? I haven't. Which makes disciplining her sometimes hard. Most of the time we grab a water bottle and squirt her in the face. Too bad, she likes it!

Here's a couple pictures I just snapped of her on top of the shower:

The picture above is literally what I see when I shower. Nice, huh?

Don't mind me in the mirror still in my towel! Ha!


  1. OMG, Webster does that too!! He doesn't go on top of the shower because we have a shower curtain, but when I have a shower he will sit on the sill and sometimes poke his head around the edge of the shower curtain!! After I get out he will play around in the tub and drink the water that's dripping down! Hilarious!!

  2. My cat does this too!

  3. My sis has cats that like water. If you're going in the bathroom, it follows and asks for you to leave the faucet on. Crazy!

  4. LOL! It must not be that strange then!! I have never seen a cat like water as much as she does!! =)

  5. Amber, I think Webster and Libby would make a great couple! Ha!

  6. Has she ever actually jumped in the shower with out? Cause that would be awfully crazy!

  7. She's never jumped in with the water running but I have turned the water on her when she wouldn't get out of the tub and I needed to take a shower. Don't worry she was standing at the back of the tub so the water didn't hit her directly it just scares her enough to get out! Ha ha!

    She's quite the stubborn cat!


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