Saturday, March 28, 2009


I love new electronic gadgets. iPods, iPhones or Blackberries, laptops, digital cameras and portable dvd players -- I love them all!

There is one gadget I have been strongly against.


I know it's cool, I've always thought it was pretty sweet but I just loooove books. Ever since I was a little girl I have just loved checking out books from the library and browsing bookstores. I cannot imagine reading an entire book from this flat gadget that looks like a small notebook (only thinner). I'm not good at reading several pages on a computer screen, so how is this any different? For example when I finished the Twilight series I started reading Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer's website and it took me forever to finish! It was only 265 pages!

Kindle has been teasing me with it's features and convenience. Here are my reasons why I am now leaning towards needing a Kindle...

-I carry the book I'm currently reading everywhere with me, sometimes they're not tiny paperbacks but large hardcovers. It gets heavy! The Kindle would make traveling pretty darn convenient.

-Books are cheaper with the Kindle. Most books are only $9.99 on Amazon and download like music.

-It can hold all the books you're reading, so you always have them with you. This would be great for me since lately I tend to be in the middle of two or more books.

-You can highlight text or mark it passages in the book. There is also a keyboard so notes can be typed while reading the book. This would be great for me because I'm a dork that likes to look up words that I'm not sure of the meaning of later. Also, a lot of the times I get blog ideas while reading and forget to write them down, therefore forgetting what I wanted to blog about!

-Each book can turn into an audio book. Sweet! Audio books are what got me through the road trips from Iowa to South Carolina and vice versa.

Looks like I've pretty much convinced myself, huh? I think I have. This may be my next splurge! :)

What does everyone think of Kindle? Do you have one? What are your pros and cons for it?


  1. I'm kind of torn over the whole thing too. My eyes start to hurt if I stare at the computer screen too long and I think it would be the same with the Kindle.

    I don't know though, you're right, it would be SO darn convenient! I guess I'm kind of old-fashioned when it comes to books though. I bet in 20 years everyone will have a Kindle! Haha.

  2. Go for it! People who have them have raved about them. I have yet to hear someone say something negative about it. You can always order it and try it out for a bit. I am sure that Amazon has a return policy on these items.

    I have been using the Kindle app on the iPhone and for me, it isn't bad at all.

    Amber - supposedly the screen isn't lit like a computer screen. It is supposed to be just like reading a paper back book or so and that is why the battery last longer.

  3. I have been having this same debate for a couple months now... I am traveling for work this summer so I cant carry books, but they are SO expensive.

    PS if you're worried about the screen I have played with a Kindle and they read just like a book, they have some special technology so they aren't like a computer

  4. I don't think I would like a kindle. But I spend so much time on the computer it wouldn't really be that different. I don't think I'll be getting one at least anytime soon.

  5. I am not sold on the idea of a Kindle yet. I am old-fashioned about my books. BUT...if you get one.,.and you like it--let me know! You know, I am going to go all retro & get a Library card!! I already give so much money to Amazon and Borders and Barnes & Noble!

  6. Ummm I think I want one now!

  7. I'm still debating whether or not to get this. Right now, I don't know but it's always on the backburner in my mind.

  8. I have one (it was given to me as a gift) and enjoy using it, especially when I'm traveling or don't want to carry around a book. However, I still prefer the feel of actually holding a real book.

  9. I am completely against the Kindle. Yes, it makes complete sense when you don't want to lug books around, and it would be nice to be able to just download books...

    But I LOVE having the physical copy. I like secretly flipping to the last page and reading the ending. I like folding down the pages of quotes I love. And, most importantly, I like knowing how far along I am by where my bookmark is. Call me old fashioned, but a Kindle takes away these luxuries that make a book what it is.

  10. Haha, well.....I was totally against it before, but I never really looked into all the features and your post intrigues me. I love books, and the smell of them, and holding them and going to the library. I just don't know if I could do the Kindle.


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