Friday, February 20, 2009

Here's Drew Barrymoore at the world premier of He's just not that into you, doesn't she look great??! I just love this dress on her and her hair/makeup looks fabulous! I didn't care for the movie too much, but I just love her. She can pull off just about any role, and in every interview I have seen her in she has seemed so laid back and down to earth. If I could meet any celebrity she would definitely be at the top of the list!
I also like that she's isn't always rail thin. She has a normal body shape for a woman and doesn't seem like she's trying to be model skinny ALL THE TIME.


  1. I LOOOVEEE drew barrymore too. She's so classy and pretty. Also has a fab bod :-)

  2. I just got your comment about sorority life. I totally agree with you. We're known as the "chill girls"....literally at recruitment, every PNM would say, "Oh you guys are so chill...I like that." Which is obviously a good thing, but it's so annoying to hear after awhile. We're getting shirts that say something about being chill on them, lol. Adopting our stereotypes...Just like we adopted our mean nickname frats gave us (AEPHatties) we embrace it now one in the sorority is fat, so we just think its funny.

    Sometimes I do feel like I pay for my friends too, but I remind myself that I wouldn't have met these people otherwise. My only problem that I can't answer is why I continue to pay the

  3. Hey Jess!

    I despised those nicknames and stupid songs that they made up. I was in a Kappa Delta, and we were nicknamed "Krappa Delta". It was so silly! I felt the most sorry for Delta Delta Delta, they got it the worst, but conveniently they were the most popular girls on campus!

    My house was so expensive... sometimes I look back on how much money I paid and I want to be sick, but you're absolutely right I met some amazing people I wouldn't have otherwise. I also wouldn't have been in my first job out of college otherwise... one of my sisters was a referral. :) I really should be more grateful!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!!


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